Jun 28, 20181 min

New Resource Helps Clinicians, Patients & Caregivers Focus on What Matters Most

A new resource has been created to help clinicians and their patients tailor health care to what matters most to each person. Patient Priorities Care allows clinicians and patients to use materials found online to focus all decision making on the health priorities of the patient. Patient Priorities Care uses a specific process that first identifies a patient’s health priorities. Second, the clinician and patient jointly make decisions about the care provided – starting or stopping care based on the patient’s goals and preferences. The third step in the process is continuous assessment of patient priorities and ensuring alignment of care. The online tools available on the Patient Priorities Care website include resources to prepare the clinician and clinical practice to:

  • Elicit health priorities from patients, with accompanying materials for patients and caregivers so that they come ready for the conversations;

  • Address complexities in providing Patient Priorities Care, including implementing the American Geriatrics Society’s Multiple Chronic Conditions guiding principles;

  • Identify the business case and develop key partnerships to scale an effective approach to preparing patients, caregivers and clinicians to participate in Patient Priorities Care, and to ensuring that patient priorities become the standard of health care.

Available tools include conversation guides and templates for transmitting patients’ priorities through the electronic health record.

Complete information can be found here.

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