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Redesigning ACP Conversations

The Michigan Health Endowment Fund recently awarded Michigan Health Council (MHC) a grant intended to address the growing need for robust Advance Care Planning (ACP) conversations for patients with serious illness & chronic disease by trained individuals. This project, titled “Redesigning the Delivery of Advance Care Planning Conversations”, seeks to innovate the way conversations are had regarding a patient's wishes for future medical care in the case that they lose the capacity to make decisions.


MHC will work with partners to develop and assess an online assessment tool aimed at increasing the number of individuals facilitators can reach while reducing the one-to-one time requirement for overwhelmed health care personnel. The online tool will be used by patients to better understand the topic and provide feedback on their wishes as the trajectory of their illness changes. Patient responses to this tool will then be used by facilitators to help understand what is important to each patient prior to their visit.

Doctor and Patient


Choreographed Health Solutions, LLC (CHS)

Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI)

Nancy Combs Communications, LLC

Pilot Participants:

Beaumont Health


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